One to One Coaching And Mediation
Coaching is a partnership that helps unlock solutions and release your potential. You can significantly enhance your performance, results and your relationships with our bespoke coaching and mediation programmes.

I often get called upon to deliver mediation between any two individuals who are struggling to work together effectively. Often the stakes are high for such individuals by the time I am called in. The input I provide gives them a real opportunity to get back on track, appreciate each other’s strengths and differences, and learn to find common ground in terms of shared intentions.
For this work I use Everything DiSC Workplace profiles and ‘comparison reports’. Comparison reports look at key differences between any two individuals’ behavioural styles. This gives insights into why hot buttons may be being pressed and flags up suggestions on how to improve their working relationship.
I will often work with the individuals separately and then bring them together. I begin by teasing out a clear remit for the mediation, including input from any appropriate line managers. I will invite and encourage honest communication about the issues that have arisen and get clear agreement on the outcomes being sought.
Julie and Tony have both been coaching since 2001. Around this time, very few people really knew about coaching and how it might help them. We rarely met any other coaches at networking events in those early days. Now of course coaching has become a key resource for any organisation serious about maximising wellbeing, performance, and results.
We’re both experienced in working with senior managers and leaders to help them to be clearly focused, effective and progressing towards high priority outcomes.

If you are in a senior role in an organisation, coaching can help you to:
- Gain clarity about your outcomes and create a clear sense of direction.
- Improve your ability to make decisions.
- Adopt more effective people-management and leadership behaviours.
- Identify and remove mental blocks to your success.
- Develop a greater level of self-awareness and self-management.
- Increase your emotional intelligence.
- Feel more in control.
- Improve your ability to solve problems.
- Reduce your stress levels.
- Resole conflict situations more effectively.
We’ve also coached a wide variety of other members of the workforce in organisations. Most often, this is a short-term assignment to help an individual to experience a specific breakthrough.
Our coaching can help them to:
- Overcome a confidence issue.
- Improve their communication with particular colleagues.
- Deal with stress and adopt strategies to help prevent overwhelm.
- Learn to respond more helpfully, inside and out, to situations they’re finding challenging in some way.
- Craft and deliver an important presentation
- Get prepared for an interview
- Become ready to step into a new role
- Understand how their particular strengths and biases can be a potential source of friction with others.
We have enjoyed working with business owners, property investors and entrepreneurs.
Maybe this is you? If so, our coaching can help you to:
- Get out of your own way
- Be clear on key desired outcomes and your journey to achieving them
- Keep yourself in a resourceful state so that you perform well
- Connect with the highest priorities that make the greatest impact
- Expand your comfort zone
- Communicate with and influence others effectively
- Keep connected to the core values and purpose underpinning what you’ve chosen to do
- Maintain some life-balance and enjoy the journey as you go
We’ve also coached private individuals to work on personal goals and issues such as:
- Wanting to get fit and healthy
- Making the transition from employment to self-employment
- Adjusting to life changes such as marriage or divorce, redundancy or unemployment, returning to work, becoming a parent, children growing up and ‘leaving the nest’, becoming a carer, adjusting to health issues, moving into retirement (to name but a few).
- Feeling stuck in a rut
- Experiencing a ‘mid life crisis’
- Lost a sense of purpose
- Wishing to improve personal relationships
- Keen to regain confidence
- Creating a bucket list and then ‘living it’
- Achieving travel / adventure goals
- Adopting a radical lifestyle change such as moving abroad or getting ‘out of the rat race’ to live more simply
- Regaining life-balance
- Taking on a major fundraising challenge, or setting up a charitable venture
Independent coaches, trainers, professional speakers and therapists have also sought out our coaching
Such people-development professionals have come to us for coaching for the following reasons:
- Ready for a personal stretch
- Want some expert help in preparing to deliver a presentation
- Just getting started and want to launch effectively
- Want to fast-track to a new level of performance
- Need a confidence boost
- Expanding from coaching into training/presenting or visa versa
- To ensure continuous personal development
- Want to keep focused
- Aware of a need to remove a mental block in an area of performance
- A need for more clarity of direction
- Reached a bit of a plateau
- A need to increase accountability
- Feeling isolated in the business and need personal creativity to be stimulated by others
- Getting ready to break away from associate work or employment as a coach or trainer and start to create own client base
- Challenging personal circumstances
Delivery of coaching can be:
By telephone
By video web call via Zoom or similar
… or a combination to suit your personal preferences, work commitments and geography.
Let’s talk
We will listen to your needs, wants, priorities and preferences and will deliver in a way that suits you perfectly for achieving the outcomes that you choose.