- May 21, 2020
- DiSC Training, Everything DiSC
How to avoid training disasters….
We all know that online training has become ‘the new normal’ and I believe this will continue and expand long after the current Covid -19 situation has settled down. It’s convenient, saves time and is potentially highly effective……but only if your participants are engaged, involved and hooked into your content and training style.
And this is the challenge.
As trainers and facilitators, we know that even during ‘in-person trainings’, there are dangers of delegates losing concentration, daydreaming, and losing interest.
But these dangers are exacerbated when people are attending trainings from the comfort of their own homes. Grabbing and maintaining their interest is even more critical because there are so many other things competing for their attention. Their phone. Their emails. Facebook. Work that they perceive to be a higher priority!
People will switch off from you if you don’t meet their needs. If they don’t feel connected with you, your delivery style and your content, they won’t ‘stay in the room’ with you and that means they won’t be learning from you!
So, how do we ensure that people feel absorbed, engrossed and captivated?
We use the Everything DiSC model!
If you’re delivering DiSC–based training and your participants have already completed their profiles, you’ll be at an immediate advantage because you’ll know immediately what styles you have ‘in the room’. This will enable you to design your programme to fit the needs of your audience.
But even if they haven’t done their profiles and you don’t know the specific styles of your delegates, you can use the Everything DiSC model to make sure that your programme, delivery style, content and exercises have covered all the bases. This means that you have a really good chance of hitting the spot for each person. They’ll to be something for everyone! If you don’t do this, the danger is that you’ll end up training using your own preferred DiSC style and this could leave a good proportion of your audience feeling detached, unmotivated and wondering off!
So, what does this mean in practice?
Let’s look at each of the four DiSC styles…

Delegates who lean towards the ‘D’ or Dominance style will prioritise GETTING RESULTS, TAKING ACTION and CHALLENGE.
They will want from you:
- Efficient time keeping
- To feel stretched
- Clear and competent delivery – evidence you know your stuff!
- To know how the training will bring them results
Your ability to address any issues quickly

Delegates who lean more towards the the ‘i’ or Influence style will prioritise TAKING ACTION, ENTHUSIASM and COLLABORATION.
They will want from you:
- Enjoyable, fun and creative exercises
- Energy and enthusiasm
- Variety!
- Opportunities to shine!
Plenty of breakouts

Delegates who lean more towards the ‘S’ or Steadiness style will prioritise COLLABORATION, SUPPORT and STABILITY.
They will want from you:
- A clear idea about what’s coming – the agenda!
- An easy to follow structure
- Warmth and sincerity
- To know that you will be there for support after the training
Reassurance that they are adding value to others

Delegates who are leaning more towards the ‘C’ or Conscientious style will prioritise STABILITY, ACCURACY and CHALLENGE.
They will want from you:
- A really well organised training experience
- Evidence, facts, statistics to back up any claims
- Accurate information
- To know that you are dependable
A logical, well designed training structure
When you ‘flex’ your behaviour to meet the needs of your audience, you’ll have a much better chance of achieving a highly successful training experience for everyone!
Let us know how you get on!